Jian Feng sued his wife for giving birth to what he called an “incredibly ugly” baby.   mansues

“I married my wife out of love, but as soon as we had our first daughter, we began having marital issues,” he told the Irish Times. “Our daughter was incredibly ugly, to the point where it horrified me.”

Initially, Feng accused his wife of having an affair as the children did not look like either of them. He also insisted that his wife must have cheated because there is no way he could have fathered such ugly children. However, the DNA tests proved that all of his kids were in fact his!

After the test, the wife finally came clean about a secret. She admitted to having undergone $100,000 worth of plastic surgery in South Korea prior to meeting him.


Feng sued his wife on the grounds of false pretenses, for not telling him about the plastic surgery and duping him into thinking she was beautiful.

The biggest shocker, Feng won the lawsuit. The judge granted the divorce and ordered the wife to pay Feng $120,000!

Is what Feng did morally repugnant? Of course! Calling your own children ugly makes you one crummy father. But is what Feng did legal? Apparently so! In fact, people can seek annulments for those very reasons. Specifically, people can seek annulments for fraud or misrepresentation by their spouse. The American Bar Association lists examples of misrepresentation and fraud that would warrant someone to get an annulment. Some of those include: “one person may not have disclosed to the other a prior divorce, a criminal record, an infectious disease, or an inability to engage in sex or have children.” The judge in Northern China presiding over Feng’s case probably found, concealment of $100,000 worth of plastic surgery to the point that your own spouse is shocked by the appearance of your children, to fall under that category.